
Frieza Cards

Frieza Cards

121 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 121 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 121 products
BT1-086 SPR Golden Frieza, Resurrected Terror (2017)
BT10-075 SPR Frieza, Charismatic Villain (2020)
BT12-029 SPR Frieza & Cell, a Match Made in Hell (2021)
BT13-063 SPR Frieza, Invader from Another Dimension (2021)
BT13-076 R Golden Frieza, Pinnacle of the Clan FEST (2022)
BT14-029 SR Difference of Status [Alternate Art] (2022)
Secret Rare Son Goku and Frieza Dragon Ball Super TCG card 2021
BT14-152 [#506 of 555] SS Son Goku & Frieza, Miraculous Conclusion [Pure Silver] EXTREMELY RARE (2022)BT14-152 [#506 of 555] SS Son Goku & Frieza, Miraculous Conclusion [Pure Silver] EXTREMELY RARE (2022)
BT2-104 UC Destructive Occupation Frieza [JUDGE LVL. 1] (2017)
BT21-111 SPR SSB Son Goku VS Golden Frieza, Spirit Clash (2023)
BT21-120 SPR Golden Frieza, Evolved Emperor (2023)
BT6-017 SPR Golden Frieza, Indomitable Emperor (2019)
BT9-101 SPR Full-Power Frieza, 100% Overdrive (2020)
DBCA1-02 Son Goku, Frieza, & Android 17 Art Card

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